PADI Tec 45
The Tec 45 program is to extend your limits from the Tec 40 program, it is also broken down into 3 segments:
- Theory
- Limited open water/pool sessions
- Technical open water training dives
The theory will take you through extending your limits, gear configuration and planning dives within your new limitations as a PADI Tec Rec 45 diver. Once you have completed the theory and dive planning we head off to the pool or a limited open water training site to refresh your Tec 40 skills and complete some new ones designed for Tec 45 divers. You will learn how to execute drills as a team and individually save yourself in an emergency all while mastering buoyancy and stress.

Next you will jump into the 2 simulated decompression dives of the course, on these dives you will execute an overall mission within simulated 45m depth range whilst observing your gas consumption and performing skills you have previously learnt whilst technical training.

Last dive of the course will be an actual decompression dive to 45 meters using 100% oxygen to accelerate decompression, a deep dive of this magnitude is planned and executed like a true technical diver. You will be the team leader and we will follow you only there for safety.
Do you have what it takes to become a Tec 45 diver?