Assisting as a DMT on an open water course I don’t think any of us quite realised how much work goes into the planning and logistics of an open water session – especially with a class of 15, 14-16 year olds. From day one we helped the students with their theory and answered any questions they had, as they worked their way through the open water knowledge reviews and DVD. Two days of confined water followed, which was a lot easier, said than done. With anyone learning to dive for the first time, there is always an amount of uncertainty – how the people will react, how fast they will learn etc. As we ran our way through the 24 open water skills, I began to see how fast the students were gaining confidence. It was an exciting thing to see – someone taking his or her first breaths underwater. A complete new experience. It was awesome watching the students eyes light up as they realised they had a complete new environment – they now had the option and the means to explore. The two days of open water dives was up next, which were both held at Mathesons Bay near Leigh. The visibility was great and the weather could not have been any better. As we again worked our way through the skills, assisting where we could, the students got to have a proper taste of what it was like at the bottom of the ocean floor. They got to see a variety of fish, nudibranches and even some eagle rays. As a DMT there was a lot to think about as we supervised the students but I think it will really help prepare us, as we edge our way closer towards completing our Divemaster training -thanks to the team at Auckland Scuba.